Tag Archives: 2008

Why is Huckabee still running?

  • He’s backstabbing McCain by showing how much the base of the Republican Party actually hates him.
  • He’s not in a position to gain leverage to demand a vice-presidential bid, plus he’s so diametrically different from McCain that it would probably be considered ridiculous.
  • He’s not proving that he would be a good candidate in 2012, since he’s winning his basic constituency over and over again in every state. In other words, you can’t take what he’s done so far and in any way expect him to be able to build on it to the point of his being able to win a nomination.

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Filed under news, Rahim


Update: Why yes, Obama did win Louisiana.

Though the actual voting totals in Louisiana aren’t out yet, MSNBC reports that the exit polls show a strong victory for Obama.

Given that, we can safely say that Obama has roundly swept the Saturday polls, also winning by convincing margins in Nebraska and Washington.

This should give him decent momentum going into Tuesday’s primaries, but more importantly, it boosts his lead in the delegate contest. Its important that he goes into the convention with a lead or tie in delegates, so that if the Superdelegates somehow decide the nominee in Hillary’s favor, he has the backing of the voters with which to cry foul.

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Filed under news, Rahim